
I've been drawing, painting, and creating since early childhood. For the better part of the last decade I have fallen in love with watercolor. It is a magical medium that is always up for challenging its artist. Watercolor has it's own ideas and it often seems that we have to each come to a compromise. I love the outdoors and can't seem to escape it as a theme. 

I have worked in a career that has shown me some of the hardest parts of people's lives and so much sadness. Life can be beyond difficult and we often have to be intentional about our happiness. Painting and creating can bring so much happiness to both the creator and the observer. 

It is my since hope that on this website you find something that makes you smile and brings you happiness, or that you know a loved one that will love it. Take time and look around and be happy, today.

-Danielle Kindsfater